Zarządzaj swoja kolekcją zdjęć z Piwigo

Piwigo jest aplikacją "open source" służąca do przechowywania zdjęć w sieci. Zaprojektowany dla organizacji, zespołów i osób indywidualnych.

Pobierz Piwigo

pobierz lubhosting w chmurze

wersja 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Piwigo 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Najnowsze aktywności 6 dni 9 godzin/y temu

Tysiące organizacji i miliony użytkowników kocha używać Piwigo

Dlaczego Piwigo?

Duża ilość

Piwigo wyróżnia się, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o klasyfikowanie tysięcy lub nawet setek tysięcy zdjęć!

Godne zaufania

Powstałe w 2002 roku, Piwigo wspiera swoich użytkowników przez ponad 22 lat. Zawsze ewoluując!

Otwarte oprogramowanie

Kod źródłowy jest dostępny, edytowalny, audytowalny i rozszerzalny dzięki systemowi wtyczek i tematów.

Piękne galerie zdjęć utworzone z Piwigo

Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne
Océanopolis Brest
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon
Office de Tourisme Digne Les Bains

Oni kochają Piwigo


I discovered Piwigo quite a few years ago for personal local use. I then installed it at a hosting company where I made the photos I took at local events available to my commune. The French Swimming Federation has a huge collection of photos and videos. In discussion with our photographer, who couldn't find a satisfactory solution and thought it was a shame that this memory wasn't being used for our publications, I suggested that he give Piwigo a try. After a few adjustments and plug-in installations, it turned out to be a stable, customizable and crash-proof solution. Our employees now have a photo library worthy of the name. I'd like to thank the Piwigo team for the quality of their work.

Jacques Amaury, Fédération Française de Natation

Organizacje non-profit France

I run a small gallery with pictures from car races. I tried different platforms but thanks to Piwigo I found what I need. It is intuitive to use, I don't need IT knowledge to be able to use this gallery efficiently. The software efficiently uses my old IT equipment, working on it surprisingly well for several years.

Piotr Dudka

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Poland

I'd like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Piwigo, without whom I'd have been a very unhappy archivist. Since 2007, I've been shooting my life, day by day. In 2010, I felt the intrinsic fear of losing my photos. That's when Piwigo came into my life, never to leave again. Today, I manage over 50,000 photos, and despite the sheer number, the gallery remains fluid and the many themes enhance the interface to suit your tastes. The other reason I love Piwigo is the ability to customize who sees each folder. I have 200 users who can see all the photos of all the evenings we've spent together. And thanks to tags, each of my friends can, in a way, follow his or her evolution by seeing all the photos in which he or she appears and has been tagged. Piwigo is like the Wordpress of photography.

Reno Laithienne

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne France

Before Piwigo, we had a real issue of quality control, and we struggled finding and organising all our digital media. But we didn’t want something too complicated. Piwigo was easy to use and quick to implement. It took 3 months to get it right with the organisation : it was about process definition and communication. People did not have any problem adopting Piwigo, it is really easy to use.

Tom Chippendale, Wessex Water

Firmy United Kingdom

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