Zarządzaj swoja kolekcją zdjęć z Piwigo

Piwigo jest aplikacją "open source" służąca do przechowywania zdjęć w sieci. Zaprojektowany dla organizacji, zespołów i osób indywidualnych.

Pobierz Piwigo

pobierz lubhosting w chmurze

wersja 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Piwigo 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Najnowsze aktywności 6 dni 3 godzin/y temu

Tysiące organizacji i miliony użytkowników kocha używać Piwigo

Dlaczego Piwigo?

Duża ilość

Piwigo wyróżnia się, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o klasyfikowanie tysięcy lub nawet setek tysięcy zdjęć!

Godne zaufania

Powstałe w 2002 roku, Piwigo wspiera swoich użytkowników przez ponad 22 lat. Zawsze ewoluując!

Otwarte oprogramowanie

Kod źródłowy jest dostępny, edytowalny, audytowalny i rozszerzalny dzięki systemowi wtyczek i tematów.

Piękne galerie zdjęć utworzone z Piwigo

NOWinBRAIN - Nowinski Brain Image Gallery
Wessex Water
Océanopolis Brest
Groupe des Ecoles Nationales d'Economique et Statistique

Oni kochają Piwigo


I discovered this photo presentation application more than 3 years ago while preparing my new website hosted by Infomaniak in Geneva, Switzerland: Piwigo was proposed as an expert and easy-to-use application for distributing photo albums all over the place. I'm Swiss, I live in Switzerland and I've been an amateur photographer since I was a teenager. I mainly take photos when I'm travelling around the world, particularly in Europe in recent years, since I'm retired and I travel with a relatively compact and very comfortable motorhome. That's why I've called my site 'Images de Voyages': they're listed by year and by place visited. I use Piwigo both as a public gallery for my travel photos and as a means of archiving the wealth of images I produce every year (perhaps too many according to some!?!). Piwigo offers both a means of getting an immediate and complete view of a photographer's experience and a fantastic opportunity to share with the whole world (?) the emotions I feel when I take a photo. Piwigo is a marvellous tool, with no limits except perhaps a few technical faults, but all this can be improved thanks to the sharing on the user forum and the wisdom of the Piwigo team.

Pierre Mayor

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Switzerland

I am a photography enthusiast, sharing lots of free stock photos and photos from hiking trips in New Zealand. I have close to 3,500 images in my Piwigo photo gallery, and all is running very smooth. I discovered Piwigo in 2015. I needed to replace a discontinued photo gallery with something new and Piwigo ticked all the boxes for me. I never looked back - setup was fairly straightforward and maintenance is effortless. No fuss, things just work. And when something breaks (I had a broken version update once) then I received immediate help on community forums and the issue was resolved within a few hours. Frankly, that's faster than paid-for commercial support with most vendors I know of. One important factor why I picked Piwigo over other available options is the community spirit. I prefer supporting software that is available for everyone to use in any way they like. This is profoundly different from vendor lock-in and EULAs full of small print, that you find with proprietary products.

Tomas Sobek

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne New Zealand

Previously, our photos were stored on external hard drive and CDs, and indexed in a spreadsheet. A real challenge to find a file! Now it has become very easy and fast for the whole team to navigate through our photo library. Piwigo has completely changed the way we work! We chose Piwigo because the tool was complete, easy to use and affordable.

Rémi, Musée Archea

Turystyka i kultura France

I discovered Piwigo 3 years ago and, since the beginning, it was a pleasant surprise. I am using it for my private photos database on a Synology NAS, around 340 GB and 70.000 pics. Piwigo it works like a charm and it is very customizable. Due to NAS hardware limitations, I prefer to generate the thumbnails outside of Piwigo. Piwigo doesn't have a rival! Thank you, Piwigo Team!

Ştefan-Liviu Ene

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Romania

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