Zarządzaj swoja kolekcją zdjęć z Piwigo

Piwigo jest aplikacją "open source" służąca do przechowywania zdjęć w sieci. Zaprojektowany dla organizacji, zespołów i osób indywidualnych.

Pobierz Piwigo

pobierz lubhosting w chmurze

wersja 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Piwigo 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Najnowsze aktywności 6 dni 12 godzin/y temu

Tysiące organizacji i miliony użytkowników kocha używać Piwigo

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Duża ilość

Piwigo wyróżnia się, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o klasyfikowanie tysięcy lub nawet setek tysięcy zdjęć!

Godne zaufania

Powstałe w 2002 roku, Piwigo wspiera swoich użytkowników przez ponad 22 lat. Zawsze ewoluując!

Otwarte oprogramowanie

Kod źródłowy jest dostępny, edytowalny, audytowalny i rozszerzalny dzięki systemowi wtyczek i tematów.

Piękne galerie zdjęć utworzone z Piwigo

Province de Luxembourg
Metropolitan University BelGrade
Musée Virtuel de la Méditerranée
Wessex Water

Oni kochają Piwigo


Our sports club has been using Piwigo since the end of 2014 and we are very happy with it. We have replaced another software that was much more complicated to use. Our photo archive has become an indispensable part of our club life, as it allows us to make pictures of sporting events available to members. It is particularly important that we can regulate the authorization and thus the access to the photos very well via groups and that the various members only have access to events for which they are authorized. This is super easy to manage by dividing the system into different albums. The system is always available, easy to use after a short training period and self-explanatory in many places. As far as service is concerned, I have to say that in the past almost all problems and queries have been solved quickly and easily. I am very happy to recommend Piwigo.

Webmaster Qwan Ki Do Berlin

Organizacje non-profit Germany

With Piwigo, all of our Siblu brand graphic elements are accessible and available for our 19 campsites in France. This is a real time saving for all teams. Piwigo offers an easy-to-use and very useful classification tool, which enables us to quickly find photos or videos thanks to tags, albums or comments.

Émilie Sancéau, Siblu

Turystyka i kultura France

I discovered this photo presentation application more than 3 years ago while preparing my new website hosted by Infomaniak in Geneva, Switzerland: Piwigo was proposed as an expert and easy-to-use application for distributing photo albums all over the place. I'm Swiss, I live in Switzerland and I've been an amateur photographer since I was a teenager. I mainly take photos when I'm travelling around the world, particularly in Europe in recent years, since I'm retired and I travel with a relatively compact and very comfortable motorhome. That's why I've called my site 'Images de Voyages': they're listed by year and by place visited. I use Piwigo both as a public gallery for my travel photos and as a means of archiving the wealth of images I produce every year (perhaps too many according to some!?!). Piwigo offers both a means of getting an immediate and complete view of a photographer's experience and a fantastic opportunity to share with the whole world (?) the emotions I feel when I take a photo. Piwigo is a marvellous tool, with no limits except perhaps a few technical faults, but all this can be improved thanks to the sharing on the user forum and the wisdom of the Piwigo team.

Pierre Mayor

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Switzerland

Piwigo is a very practical tool for creating a photo library that is both internal to our team and open to the general public.

Office de Tourisme du Pays de Gourdon

Turystyka i kultura France

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