Zarządzaj swoja kolekcją zdjęć z Piwigo

Piwigo jest aplikacją "open source" służąca do przechowywania zdjęć w sieci. Zaprojektowany dla organizacji, zespołów i osób indywidualnych.

Pobierz Piwigo

pobierz lubhosting w chmurze

wersja 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Piwigo 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Najnowsze aktywności 6 dni 5 godzin/y temu

Tysiące organizacji i miliony użytkowników kocha używać Piwigo

Dlaczego Piwigo?

Duża ilość

Piwigo wyróżnia się, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o klasyfikowanie tysięcy lub nawet setek tysięcy zdjęć!

Godne zaufania

Powstałe w 2002 roku, Piwigo wspiera swoich użytkowników przez ponad 22 lat. Zawsze ewoluując!

Otwarte oprogramowanie

Kod źródłowy jest dostępny, edytowalny, audytowalny i rozszerzalny dzięki systemowi wtyczek i tematów.

Piękne galerie zdjęć utworzone z Piwigo

Sellerie Moillo
Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne
Ville d’Arles
NOWinBRAIN - Nowinski Brain Image Gallery

Oni kochają Piwigo


Piwigo is most easiest online photo gallery and lot's of features available. With amazing user interface and user level access is what i been searching and its the most suitable for my needs. Piwigo is easy to install and maintain and with lots of plugins to customize for a gallery needs. The mobile site are great and easy to navigate. Good Job Piwigo Team! Keep on going!

Thanabalan Tharuman

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Malaysia

Piwigo gives me the ability to customize the look of my gallery so that it doesn't look like any other, while providing outstanding performance and practical features for both the user and the site administrator. Over the last 20 years, development has never ceased to offer improvements, and the ability to develop plugins is a remarkable asset, as the developer community is active and you'll always find something that works for you, and if you wish you can also ""get your hands dirty"" to customize to the extreme. The database is robust and will handle hundreds of thousands of photos with ease. Well done to the Piwigo team for 20 years of tireless work!

Robin Moret

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne France

After using many so called photography specific web hosts over the years, I could never find one with software that worked how I wanted it, always how they wanted it. Then I chanced on Piwigo one day, and created our family website of 4,000 photos. Next I created my own Piwigo website, with my 50 years of photographs in mind. What a joy! Piwigo is the three 'P's - Powerful, a Pleasure to use, and Pleasing to the eye. Thank-you Piwigo Team!

Richard Histon

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne United Kingdom

I'm a professional photographer. My old website was an online gallery, but it was 10 years old and no longer up to today's standards, notably compatibility with tablets and smartphones. So I started looking for a robust solution: 3,000 albums and 150,000 high-resolution photos. My website is an important platform, as it allows me to make a backup of my work, to have a gallery for each customer, and each customer has a 10-year history and must be able to identify himself and download his old reports. After a long search, I came across Piwigo, which met all my expectations. So I created a test gallery and realized that there was even a module that allowed me to take over my old Gallery2 website. It's been almost a year since the migration. The site is fast and handles the mass of information well. The visual customization allowed me to get exactly what I wanted. Importantly, with open-source software, the site and community forum are very active and responsive to questions and problem-solving. In short, I'm delighted to have chosen Piwigo for the centerpiece of my professional activity.

Luc Viatour

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Belgium

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