Zarządzaj swoja kolekcją zdjęć z Piwigo

Piwigo jest aplikacją "open source" służąca do przechowywania zdjęć w sieci. Zaprojektowany dla organizacji, zespołów i osób indywidualnych.

Pobierz Piwigo

pobierz lubhosting w chmurze

wersja 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Piwigo 14.4.0 2 tygodnie temu

Najnowsze aktywności 5 dni 13 godzin/y temu

Tysiące organizacji i miliony użytkowników kocha używać Piwigo

Dlaczego Piwigo?

Duża ilość

Piwigo wyróżnia się, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o klasyfikowanie tysięcy lub nawet setek tysięcy zdjęć!

Godne zaufania

Powstałe w 2002 roku, Piwigo wspiera swoich użytkowników przez ponad 22 lat. Zawsze ewoluując!

Otwarte oprogramowanie

Kod źródłowy jest dostępny, edytowalny, audytowalny i rozszerzalny dzięki systemowi wtyczek i tematów.

Piękne galerie zdjęć utworzone z Piwigo

Office de Tourisme Digne Les Bains
Ville d’Arles
Wessex Water

Oni kochają Piwigo


As a professional photographer, I have been using piwigo for 1 year. The feature in piwigo took my attention is I could create categories and let specific users access to them with a password so easily. So I could offer privacy to my clients with the ease of browsing that piwigo offers. I have over 5000 images in my piwigo system. One of the best thing is after you upload original files resizing to different sizes are done only once. Once file is resized it is cached and ready to be served from the disk. The mobile site is fantastic. I could show a gallery to anyone without teaching the interface. Mobile apps makes upload very easy.

Sami Onur Zaim

Fotografowie i osoby prywatne Turkey

We use Piwigo as a great way to share all of our project photos with all of our offices across the world. It's an easy to use platform and is great for organization. It is easy to find exactly what you need in just a few seconds.

Sprung Structures

Firmy Canada

I discovered Piwigo quite a few years ago for personal local use. I then installed it at a hosting company where I made the photos I took at local events available to my commune. The French Swimming Federation has a huge collection of photos and videos. In discussion with our photographer, who couldn't find a satisfactory solution and thought it was a shame that this memory wasn't being used for our publications, I suggested that he give Piwigo a try. After a few adjustments and plug-in installations, it turned out to be a stable, customizable and crash-proof solution. Our employees now have a photo library worthy of the name. I'd like to thank the Piwigo team for the quality of their work.

Jacques Amaury, Fédération Française de Natation

Organizacje non-profit France

AaDT64 has been using Piwigo for 6 years. Our communications department is called upon daily to provide photos of our region to various service providers: press, tourist offices, tourism service providers, students.... Piwigo is the solution that enables us to make more than 6,000 photos available, with access rights managed according to the user's profile and the rights restrictions on each photo. Piwigo is reliable (no incident in 6 years), easy to use, a perfect solution and free (!). Thanks to the whole team of contributors for the quality of this tool!

Hélène Ricoeur, Tourisme Béarn Pays Basque

Turystyka i kultura France

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